Look what the homosexuals have done to me!

Tag: Wanda Sykes

Wanda Sykes Talks to The Advocate

In this good Advocate interview by Ari Karpel, Wanda Sykes is mostly serious, like when she talks about her seven-year marriage to a man:

“I actually made the choice to be straight as a kid,” she says. “Early on I knew [being gay] wasn’t gonna fly. No way. And from the teachers and church and all it was, This is wrong! What’s wrong with me? And you pray and ask God to take it away, and you bury it and bury it, and you shut that part of yourself off. Then you try to live the life that you’re supposed to live.”

But she also gets in a few good jokes, the best about the media coverage devoted to her coming out at a marriage equality rally in Las Vegas last year after the passage of Proposition 8 in California: “I was like, Damn, whatever happened to ‘What happens in Vegas…?'”

Howard Stern Weighs In on Wanda, Portia and Ellen

How would Tobias Fünke have felt about Prop 8?

It’s been a while since I last attempted to transcribe any Howard Stern Show shenanigans (I’m still worn out from his Tracy Morgan appearance in March), but this morning Howard devoted a few minutes to Wanda Sykes coming out at a Prop 8 protest rally in Nevada over the weekend and it led to a brief conversation that gave us some insight into what the straightest people on radio think about prominent lesbians.

Wanda Sykes Comes Out (Literally) for Marriage Equality

“And that’s when I said, ‘Liquor? I hardly know her!'”

The featured story of the moment at the New York Times website: Across U.S., Big Rallies for Same-Sex Marriage. An excerpt:

In Las Vegas, the comedian Wanda Sykes surprised a crowd of more than 1,000 rallying outside a gay community center by announcing that she is gay and had wed her wife in California on Oct. 25. Ms. Sykes, who divorced her husband of seven years in 1998, had never publicly discussed her sexual orientation but said the passage of Proposition 8 had propelled her to be open about it.

You can read more of Wanda’s Las Vegas statements here. She’s one of my favorite comedians and I applaud her for finally coming out. It can only help her stand-up routine; now she can let loose in her bit about gay marriage in a way she couldn’t before.

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