Look what the homosexuals have done to me!

Tag: Video Clips

Sarah Silverman Wants You to Threaten Your Grandparents

And she’s right. Your grandparents, if they are registered voters, are loose cannons, potential menaces that must be kept in line. Let’s look at this logically: They’re afraid of robots and they pour iced tea into gigantic old people diapers. Sometimes they drive around parking lots with 3-year-olds on the roofs of their cars.

If they’re anything like my grandma, they’ve been known to accidentally buy dog food for their cats — and then pass it along to you, sighing, “I don’t know, Pepper wouldn’t touch it, but maybe yours will like it.” That’s crazy, right? It makes you question their mental competency almost as much as the hideous sweaters they give you each holiday season.

The sad fact of the matter is some grandparents aren’t qualified to make important decisions, like who to vote for in the upcoming presidential election, on their own. That’s where we come in, for reasons Silverman helpfully explains in this video.

I’m fortunate in this regard. My grandparents, while insane, are not insane enough to vote for John McCain. But they are Jewish septuagenarians, a group McCain was hoping to frighten into supporting his bid for the presidency by having other right-wing sleazeballs suggest that Obama has some kind of secret, religiously-motivated political agenda that would threaten Jews.

Fearmongering is, as Karl Rove taught us in 2004, an effective way of grabbing votes. But the only candidate capable of terrifying Jews this election season is Sarah Palin, whose church is tied to all kinds of things that most Jewish voters would find alarming. (See: this and this. My grandparents aren’t Internet-savvy, so I’ve been printing these types of stories out for them to distribute to their friends.)

If your grandparents need a swift kick in the ass, take a page from Sarah Silverman’s book and tell them what’s what. If that fails, you could always point out — respectfully, lovingly, and of course with great tact — that odds are they’ll be dead in 10 years and you’ll be around for another 50. Which is why it’s monumentally important they don’t fuck this up for you. And if they let you down, it’s off to Shady Pines.

Samantha Fox’s Lesbian Wife Swap – Updated

Fox: “Can anyone help me? I seem to have misplaced my career.”

Samantha Fox’s episode of Wife Swap, in which she goes to live with the widely loathed comedian Freddie Starr while Starr’s put-upon wife shacks up with Fox’s partner, Myra Stratton, is getting bad reviews! Who would have guessed? You can watch a rather long, uncomfortable interview with Samantha and Freddie on ITV’s This Morning below by clicking here.

Or, if you’re merely looking for a glimpse of Stratton, who has been with Fox for eight years, you can check out this shorter clip.

Maggie Gyllenhaal Supports Writers, Girl-Girl Action

“I’m a slave to the written word.”

Okay, my lesbian-crazed cyber friends: If Maggie Gyllenhaal didn’t make you her bitch with Secretary or Sherrybaby, let’s see if her new video in support of the WGA strike doesn’t do the trick.

The spot, which is archived as Episode 34 on the Speechless Without Writers website should our embedded code stop working, features Gyllenhaal as a woman who discovers her caddish boyfriend, AMPiTePa (that would be the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, for those keeping track at home), is cheating on her with not one but two other women.

Instead of making like Heather Graham and Natasha Gregson Wagner in Two Girls and a Guy and talking and talking (and talking) about it, this rowdy bunch gets tipsy together before Gyllenhaal retires to the hotel bed, asking her new friends if they want to “make an interim agreement” in AMPiTePa’s absence. Then a pizza delivery girl shows up.

If you haven’t given much thought to the writer’s strike, hopefully this video will change your mind. There’s a lot more at stake here than scribes getting screwed out of money — there are also lesbian orgies to worry about.

UPDATE: The video was interfering with the archive sidebar, so you’ll have to view the clip here.

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