Look what the homosexuals have done to me!

Tag: Shocking Revelations

This Just In: Gay Men and Straight Men Can Be Friends!

You can read all about it in the New York Times, where this is apparently news — three pages worth of it — to some people.

Gay Couples Are Just Like Straight Couples (And the Sky is Blue)

Ma and Pa Kettle vacationing in Hawaii.

Same-sex couples are just as committed to driving each other insane — oops, scratch that last part, I meant just as committed — as straight couples, two new studies have found. Isn’t it charming and quaint that this is considered news?

Gay (American) Gladiators? How Shocking!

We’re gay. Gay for bodybuilding.

If by shocking you mean not at all shocking (I mean, check out the way I captioned this photo), and as transparent as Bert’s forbidden love for Ernie.

With that out of the way, the men of American Gladiators (original crispy edition, not new and improved with reduced frightening hair), spoke with Maxim recently about their glory days. Ben Widdicombe of the New York Daily News rehashed their comments about painkillers and steroids over the weekend, saving the best revelation, courtesy of Zap, for last: “Half the team was lesbians at one time. But it was just women with women; there were no gay guys on that show.”

Okay, Zap, if you insist. But I’m pretty sure their spandex occasionally said otherwise during Breakthrough & Conquer.

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