Look what the homosexuals have done to me!

Tag: Gay Parenting

USA Today Readers Are Geniuses of Stupidity

Some choice reader comments in response to an innocuous USA Today article about a new Williams Institute study that analyzed poverty rates among “the gays” and found that “children of same-sex parents are twice as likely to live in poverty as those of traditional married couples.”

Lee Badgett, a co-author of the study, points out that gay families are at a financial disadvantage because they’re denied Social Security survivor benefits and are also, in many cases, denied the same health insurance coverage as their married heterosexual counterparts; Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation — they’re idiots, if you aren’t familiar with them — has already called the study “garbage.” Here’s what anonymous jackasses on the Internet have to say about it:

“Dumb article, same sex couples could not have kids.”

“Really, that’s what makes people poor? Because there is no one or government program to pick up the slack for them? It’s amazing that single people can make it at all, if that is true.”

“Who would have figured that having a father and a mother who honor marital covenants makes any difference with their children. I guess that is why it is called a family.”

“And this is news? USATODAY will print anything to take the spot light off Obama and his failed policys.”

“Actually it is impossible for same sex parents to have children, at least in the conventional sense. To state something like this without at least qualifying it shows poor understanding at best.”

“People can print this story and use it in their bathrooms to wipe with. I usually have respect for USAToday, but this story has no backbone or validity.”

“Poverty is the least of the problems these kids have. Growing up in a homosexual environment is the worst possible scenario for a child. Allowing gays to adopt children is a huge error in judgement by the courts and state legislatures.”

And of course, there’s also a comedian:

“I think they would have more money if they didn’t eat out so much…..I couldn’t resist saying that.”

Jena Malone on Her Two Moms

Yeah, I’m not really sure how to caption this.

Jena Malone, a talented actress whose career Evan Rachel Wood seems to have stolen (or maybe not: would Malone have agreed to star in something as crappy as The Life Before Her Eyes?), has always been candid about having been raised in a Heather Has Two Mommies arrangement. Still, it was nice to read this in her new interview with The Independent:

“I was raised by two mums who were lovers. When I was younger it wasn’t anything that was abnormal. I had two mums and for me that was really exciting because when I was younger most people seemed to like their mum more than their dad so I’d be like, ‘Ha, I’ve got two of them!’ And I feel I got a lot of love, respect and acceptance from them. I had a really healthy normal relationship with my parents.”

Malone also tells reporter Lesley O’Toole that she takes pictures of her mothers, her sister and her father with her when she travels. It is unclear whether she packs photos of Mandy Moore’s breasts as well.

MORE: Watch Malone and Moore in Saved!.

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Your Sunday Dose of Insane Homophobia

“We could teach those Zimbabweans a thing or two about lesbian parenting.”

A lesbian couple in Bulawayo, the second largest city in Zimbabwe, have announced they’re expecting a child conceived via artificial insemination. Zimbabwe, as you probably know, is not a particularly gay-friendly country; two years ago, their government passed legislation making it illegal for gay couples to hold hands or even hug. President Robert Mugabe, who chooses to believe that homosexuality doesn’t exist in the animal kingdom, has gone on record as saying that gays are “worse than dogs or pigs.” (Clearly he has never met my parents’ dog, who couldn’t be more bisexual if he were a character in Velvet Goldmine.)

Given Zimbabwe’s charming national history of institutionalized homophobia, this article condemning the happy couple shouldn’t come as any surprise, but I still found myself taken aback by the harsh language used by journalist Sithabisiwe Mathema, who refers to the pregnancy as an “uncanny and bizarre incident” perpetrated by the “seemingly conscienceless” lesbian couple, who traveled to South Africa for the procedure.

Mathema describes artificial insemination as a process “commonly used for animal breeding purposes,” neglecting to point out that it’s widely used by heterosexual humans as well, and strangely posits that it “stands to be seen” how a lesbian couple will be able to raise a child, nonsensically adding that, “like other children the baby will have to call one of them father and the other mother.”

As for the lengthy and completely bizarre comments offered by Aaron Ndlovu, who lives in the same flat as the expectant couple and apparently considers himself some kind of scientist (the kind who is completely fucking stupid), I’ll let you to discover those gems on your own and leave you with the words of Melissa Jacobs, the woman whose pregnancy inspired all this vitriol: “We are so enthralled about the birth of our son. We feel so proud even though people look at us disdainfully — they do not understand that even though we are ‘faggots’ as they call us, we also want to fulfill dreams of also raising a family to carry on our name.”

Congratulations to Melissa and her partner.

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