Oh yeah, that’s the stuff.

With Passover starting this weekend, you probably find yourself wondering, “That obnoxious lesbian moron who projectile vomits her obnoxious lesbian moronishness all over the Internet, I wonder what kind of matzo she likes.” Well, wonder no more! My favorite matzo, the love of my matzo life, is that sexy mofo pictured above.

That’s right, Manischewitz Egg & Onion matzo—which isn’t intended for Passover, I’d be remiss not to point out—is my official matzo of choice. Take a look at that box. Take a look at that matzo! How can you resist its egg and oniony goodness? You can’t. It’s impossible. And, really, when you consider that most other matzos taste like cardboard (or what I imagine cardboard would taste like, because I don’t recall having tried it), what other choice do you have?