Look what the homosexuals have done to me!

Category: Your Webmaster

Here Comes the Jackpot Question in Advance

Once, when I was young, it was early March and a woman I was soon to fall in love with sent me a recording of Ella Fitzgerald’s “What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?” as performed with the Frank De Vol Orchestra. An aching three-minute melancholy swoon, it was the simplest but most romantic overture I had ever received.

Years later our relationship would end quite unceremoniously on New Year’s Day. That was a long time ago but this is a permanently trying time of year for me, meant for drowning one’s sorrows in chocolate milk and carbs and Barbara Stanwyck films. Happy New Year to everyone reading this. Please stay away from germy m’fers. I’ll be back on Sunday with another review.

Hi, It’s Me, Blog

[This was not originally posted on Cranky Lesbian, it was posted elsewhere in 2014 and later migrated here.]

How do you open a blog? There’s no instantly recognizable HBO intro for blogs, something that signals quality (or, in the case of True Blood, the pretense of quality). That’s just as well, because you should never expect to find quality here.

Certain things, though, you know how to open. There’s that Motown signature drum roll and Woody Allen film credits in Windsor Light Condensed typeface against a black background. There are famous first lines in literary history that readers the world over can recite by heart. People who’ve never read A Tale of Two Cities can tell you its first 12 words.

My own favorite book opening comes from the Pevear and Volokhonsky translation of Notes from Underground: “I am a sick man … I am a wicked man. An unattractive man. I think my liver hurts.” Does it get any better than thinking your liver hurts?!

But I’ve never heard of a blog opening with a line that instantly captures anyone’s attention or is quoted years later, so let’s forget everything I wrote preceding this and pretend this blog began with something a bit more memorable. Let’s pretend it opened with the first line from the first chapter of Jackie Collins’ Hollywood Wives.

Elaine Conti awoke in her luxurious bed in her luxurious Beverly Hills mansion, pressed a button to open the electrically controlled drapes, and was confronted by the sight of a young man clad in a white T-shirt and dirty jeans pissing a perfect arc into her mosaic-tiled swimming pool.

jackie collins, hollywood wives

There. Doesn’t that make you want to keep reading? Aren’t you thinking to yourself, “Who is that young man in a white t-shirt and dirty jeans who is urinating — no, not just urinating, but flawlessly urinating — into a rich woman’s Beverly Hills mosaic-tiled swimming pool?”

I’ll give you the answer now, because if I were you I wouldn’t want to have to wait to learn something so monumentally important: He’s a sexy pool boy. Of course he’s a sexy pool boy.

Is Elijah Wood Safe and Accounted For?

Significant ice accumulation is expected in my neck of the woods tonight, which I’d normally welcome because I love horrible weather*, but I just saw The Ice Storm for the second time a few months ago when it was re-released on DVD and now I’m worried that my parents might be at a key party and my brother might accidentally drug Katie Holmes with sleeping pills intended for someone else.

The Katie Holmes thing is troubling because she’s probably already being drugged by Tom Cruise or someone on his payroll, and if the pills mix and they’re not supposed to she could break out in hives or grow a second head. (On the upside, having a second head might expand her dramatic range.) The key party possibility is especially disconcerting because, c’mon, they’re my parents, and just thinking about that makes me want to throw up more than anyone has ever thrown up in the history of the world. I’m not sure where I’m going with this, I think the moral is to never watch The Ice Storm if you live anywhere that might experience severe winter weather.

*When driving conditions are difficult everyone becomes anxious, and when people are anxious they’re more likely to be terse than chatty. Since I hate when people say things like “Good morning!” and “How are you?”, I wish everyone was terse all the time.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

Did any of you realize this lame-ass website turned one year old earlier this month? I’d forgotten all about it until I saw an ad for The L Word the other day (its reign of ridiculousness is almost over: an abbreviated final season starts on Sunday) and remembered that I’d started this blog in January of last year with the intention of using it to complain about the new episodes that were about to air.

As it turned out, the fifth season of The L Word was so execrable that it wasn’t worth watching, much less commenting on, and so I found other things to complain about instead — everything from the religious right to Rivers Cuomo’s awful mustache. Now, as I look back on a year of posts (something like 30% of them had to do with my thinking Thandie Newton is attractive, so I’ll try to mix things up a little in 2009 and drool over a wider array of actresses), it occurs to me that as far as personal blogs go, this one hasn’t been very personal at all. With that in mind—and because there’s been nothing going on in the news to talk about here and I don’t want this page gathering dust in the meantime—I’m going to reveal ten things about myself that most of you don’t know.

You might want to prepare yourself before reading these. They’re the kind of explosive, emotionally devastating revelations normally found in a Tennessee Williams or Edward Albee play. You’ve been warned.

1.) Marie was my favorite Lubbock sister on the late, lamented Just the Ten of Us, which seems an unlikely choice until you consider the fact that I’ve always been partial to nerdy characters. That’s why Elizabeth was my favorite Wakefield twin (though I’ve never understood what she saw in Todd, a massive tool), and Mary Anne my favorite member of the Baby-Sitters Club. (Speaking of the BSC, was anyone else annoyed when Kristy dated Bart? That character was so dykey that her last name might as well have been McNichol. Pairing her with a guy made no sense. Same with Stacey having that boyfriend who was always on Fire Island. Why didn’t Claudia ever pull her aside and tell her she was dating a queen?)

2.) Sometimes, just to keep myself amused, I like to pretend I’m a character from an old film noir whose every move is accompanied by preposterously hard-boiled voice-over narration. You know, something like: “I never saw her in the daytime. We seemed to live by night. What was left of the day went away like a pack of cigarettes you smoked. I didn’t know where she lived. I never followed her. All I ever had to go on was a place and time to see her again. I don’t know what we were waiting for. Maybe we thought the world would end.” That’s from Out of the Past, which also has the classic line: “Build my gallows high, baby.” Everyone should say that at least once in his or her life. Next time you’re at the grocery store and the bagger asks paper or plastic, just ignore the question and put on a Robert Mitchum voice and say “Build my gallows high, baby.”

3.) I hate the words “snark” and “dawg,” and love the words “kerfuffle” and “obstreperous.”

4.) For some reason, I don’t know why, I’m fucked up about my pillowcases. I want to sleep on a freshly laundered pillowcase every night, and by now my pillowcases are so sick of being washed that they start sobbing like Meryl Streep in Silkwood (or Amy Poehler in Baby Mama) every time I throw them in the washing machine.

5.) If I were a member of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad, I would want to be Black Mamba. Not because she’s the last one standing, but because she has the coolest name.

6.) The single biggest regret of my life is that I wasn’t alive and working as a Hollywood screenwriter in the 1930s, because back then I would’ve maybe, just maybe, had a shot with Greta Garbo. It sounds crazy, I know, but if Mercedes de Acosta and Salka Viertel stood a chance, who’s to say there wouldn’t have been hope for the rest of us as well?

7.) I’m uncoordinated and frequently spill, drop, and walk into things. I also have enough difficulty walking in a straight line that my dad has been known to warn me, “You’d better hope you’re never pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving…”

8.) It is my fervent belief that blue M&Ms are hideously ugly and should never have been introduced into the M&M family.

9.) The most listened to song on my iPod is Otis Redding’s “Try a Little Tenderness,” but the song I spend the most time trying not to break into in public is the Fifth Dimension’s cover of “Wedding Bell Blues.”

10.) I’ve had an irrational fear of being buried alive ever since it happened to Carly on Days of Our Lives in the early ’90s. My mom watched that and Another World every afternoon (Linda Dano’s shoulder pads and dramatic rouge-streaked cheekbones still haunt me), and while Marlena’s demonic possession story line never freaked me out, I was so shaken by Carly’s plight that I left a note marked “Read This If I Die” in my top desk drawer instructing my parents to have me cremated. I was ten at the time, and my plans haven’t changed in the intervening years; I still shudder at the thought of Carly being trapped in that coffin every time I hear the word “burial.”

Matzo Madness

Oh yeah, that’s the stuff.

With Passover starting this weekend, you probably find yourself wondering, “That obnoxious lesbian moron who projectile vomits her obnoxious lesbian moronishness all over the Internet, I wonder what kind of matzo she likes.” Well, wonder no more! My favorite matzo, the love of my matzo life, is that sexy mofo pictured above.

That’s right, Manischewitz Egg & Onion matzo—which isn’t intended for Passover, I’d be remiss not to point out—is my official matzo of choice. Take a look at that box. Take a look at that matzo! How can you resist its egg and oniony goodness? You can’t. It’s impossible. And, really, when you consider that most other matzos taste like cardboard (or what I imagine cardboard would taste like, because I don’t recall having tried it), what other choice do you have?

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