“Break In,” the eighth episode of The Golden Girls’ first season, begins inauspiciously, with the roommates returning home from a Madonna concert. After some cursory jokes—Sophia calls her a “slut,” while Dorothy remarks “She did things on that stage I never did with my husband!”—they’re shaken to find the house was burgled in their absence.
Dorothy takes charge while the rest of the girls cower, deepening her voice and bellowing her best Dirty Harry threats. Satisfied the hoodlums have long since skedaddled, Sophia heads off to her bedroom. Blanche and Rose try to stop her, with Rose exclaiming “You can’t. It could be dangerous!”
“Please, I’m eighty,” Sophia replies. “Bathtubs are dangerous!” As Rose anxiously babbles to herself in the living room, Blanche and Dorothy check on their valuables. Dorothy’s stole, a gift from Stan, was taken, and Blanche has an announcement of her own upon exiting the kitchen, her face and blouse covered in flour.
Blanche: They got my jewels.
Dorothy: But I see they didn’t get your cocaine.
Rose: Oh, my God! Blanche has cocaine?

Cranky Lesbian is a disgruntled homosexual with too much time on her hands. Click for film reviews or to follow on Instagram.