The next Golden Girls recap is long overdue and will be posted within the next day or two. Initially the delay was due to medical appointments, but then there was a technical issue pertaining to the Friends of Dorothy Z. page. That’s temporarily resolved for now but might require more fiddling in the future.
[UPDATE: Here’s the recap.]
While dealing with that situation, I did other behind-the-scenes tasks, including image optimization and finally redoing the screen caps on some older reviews. Ebbie, My First Love and Just Between Friends are among the pages that were fixed, all from a period where I had two computer failures in quick succession that left me without decent images for those films.
At the start of the Golden Girls project I amassed a snack stockpile, pictured above. My wife immediately stole the Tengual. During the tedious website work, I tried the “super hot chili” potato chips, which were offensively mild. Everything else still awaits.

As for the medical stuff, in early July I wrote about methotrexate prescriptions for women of childbearing age in the post-Dobbs era. There was a bit of what looked like fearmongering to me (and my GI) being posted on social media then. But I also thought it was dumb to dismiss patients’ fears because there was obvious potential for short-term headaches, especially in red states.
My refill came due last week and was processed without issue. A week or so prior, at a rheumatology checkup, I asked if my doctor’s office had encountered any problems yet. The answer was “generally, no,” but there’d been a handful of cases that required extra administrative work to get a prescription filled.
Finally, I took some time off for yet another GI scope. I’m out of the prognostication game when it comes to scope results because I rarely choose right: if I think the report will be great, it comes back bad, and vice-versa. This time the pathology report noted some active inflammation. Whether or not that means the Humira’s efficacy is starting to wane is for the doctor to decide.

Cranky Lesbian is a disgruntled homosexual with too much time on her hands. Click for film reviews or to follow on Instagram.
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